At Saint James, we strive to serve those in need in our own community and in the greater Denver area, as well as those who live far from us, whom we likely will never meet. Among our regular outreach projects:
We regularly stock an outdoor pantry in our yard with non-perishable food and cold weather items and invite all who are in need to simply take what they need.
We regularly work with officials at the nearby Wilmore-Davis Elementary School to adopt individual families who are in crisis, and provide them with home-cooked meals, clothing and other necessities, friendship and Christ's love. To learn more or to assist in this effort, contact Mother Becky.
Every Sunday we collect donations of food and clothing to be taken to local food banks and shelters for distribution.
On every 5th Tuesday of the month, we send a team of volunteers to St. Clare's, 126 W. 2nd Ave., Denver, a ministry to the homeless and hungry of Denver's Baker neighborhood. To learn more or to sign up to be part of our next St. Clare's night, contact our Parish Administrator, Denise Gonzales.
We periodically stage fund-raisers to respond to critical needs elsewhere. Among our recent efforts: A spaghetti supper to assist Episcopal Relief & Development's hurricane recovery efforts in Texas and the Caribbean; a pledge drive to support the Colorado Haiti Project's rebuilding efforts in Haiti;. a pinwheel drive to support the Ralston House child abuse prevention efforts; and a cereal drive to help Project Angel Heart provide extra nutrition to ailing clients in need.
Volunteers from Saint James serving food to the hungry at Saint Clare's.
We raised more than $1,000 for hurricane relief efforts at our spaghetti supper
Saint nicholas put in an appearance at a party we hosted for five families we adopted at Christmastime. we made sure that all 24 children in those five families received presents for christmas morning, that all the families had a christmas feast, and that all felt supported and loved.