Ethnic Dining Group
Shirley mosher and cathy loomis enjoying a night out at domo japanese restaurant.
Are you an adventurous eater who loves to try new cuisines? Do you enjoy going out to dinner with friends? Are you looking to explore some of the wonderful restaurants Denver has to offer? If so, then you'll enjoy our Ethnic Dining Group at St. James.
On the 3rd Friday of every month, we gather at a different ethnically-themed restaurant to enjoy an evening of food and friendship. Every month the cuisine changes. We've done Indian ... Greek ... Ethiopian ... Jamaican ... Brazilian ... Native American ... Japanese ... Syrian ... Vietnamese... We're pretty sure we will never run out of new restaurants to try. Come and join us! We typically have 15-20 folks in our dining party, and if they don't all know each other before dinner starts, they do by the time dessert is served. Contact Denise Gonzales, our parish administrator, by the Wednesday BEFORE the 3rd Friday to reserve your spot at the table.
a raucous evening for saint james at amir middle eastern grill in golden